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Horse Slaughter
Horse Transport
Horse Cruelty
Stolen Horses

Horse Rescue

Rescue Stories

Turning Copper Into Gold
July 1996

Mare is Saved From Auction-Scored a Minus 1 On the Henneke Chart!

Mare is Saved From Auction-Scored a Minus 1 On the Henneke Chart!
The Miracle Mile
July 1990
Pregnant Mare Foals Hours After Rescue From Slaughterhouse-
Foal is a Stakes Winner!


The Horse That The Killers Refused to Bid $5.00 On
July 1999

Emaciated and Sick Gelding Is Saved From Auction!
No charges ever filed...

Emaciated and Sick Gelding Is Saved From Auction!


California Voters "Just Say Neigh" to Horse Slaughter!

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Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.

HoofPAC Political Action Committee

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.

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Sad Eyed Arab

Fund the Fight, Find A Cure
Equine Protection Network Horse Slaughter Awareness Campaign

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No Bidders at $5.00

Second Chance

July 1999

According to Dr. Temple Grandin, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University in a report commisioned by USDA/ APHIS

" The New Holland sale will not accept horses that are severely lame or in very poor condition. "


" The New Holland sale has banned horses with severe welfare problems from their sale."

Really ??

This horse's resting heart rate was in the 60's.
His resting respiration was 32 and very labored.
Normal resting heart rate is 36 - 40.
Normal resting respiration in 12- 16.

Auction barn in New Holland, PA was unable to get a $5.00 bid on this horse.
Two kind hearted people bought him later.
An equine veterinarian later recommended euthanasia, and this horse's suffering was ended.

Auction barn in New Holland unable to sell this horse for $5.00

It remains to be seen who, if anyone will be held accountable for the abuse this horse suffered.**
The owner who denied necessary food, water, and vet care.
The hauler who transported the horse to the auction in New Holland.
The auction that sold the horse.

The Humane League of Lancaster County is handling the investigation. In previous cases that the Humane League has handled involving horses at the New Holland auction barn, nobody was held accountable, or the abuse was allowed to continue.

The District Justice that covers New Holland is Carl Good.*

In the Lancaster New Era on July 8, 1999, the New Holland auction barn president is quoted as stating,

"A veterinarian is on call around the clock at the stable and determines an animal has been abused after stable workers point out the sick animal. "

Dr. James Holt, a Coatesville, PA area veterinarian, has introduced himself at the New Holland auction barn to auction goers as the veterinarian hired by the sale.

Second Chance's Story,

As told by one of the people who bought him..

Points to Ponder

Equine Protection Network

Sick and emaciated horse sold at auctionIf this horse is not in very poor condition, then what IS "very poor condition"?

If this horse does not have a "severe welfare problem", then what IS a "severe welfare problem"?

Where was the vet when this horse was brought into the sale barn?

Where was the vet when this horse was led into the sale ring by stable workers?

Where was the vet when this horse was tied in the sale barn?

PA Anti Cruelty Law

Title 18 ยง 5511. Cruelty to animals

(c) Cruelty to animals.--A person commits a summary offense if he wantonly or cruelly illtreats, overloads, beats, otherwise abuses any animal, or neglects any animal as to which he has a duty of care, whether belonging to himself or otherwise, or abandons any animal, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or veterinary care, or access to clean and sanitary shelter which will protect the animal against inclement weather and preserve the animal's body heat and keep it dry. This subsection shall not apply to activity undertaken in normal agricultural operation.

(d) Selling or using disabled horse.--A person commits a summary offense if he offers for sale or sells any horse, which by reason of debility, disease or lameness, or for other cause, could not be worked or used without violating the laws against cruelty to animals, or leads, rides, drives or transports any such horse for any purpose, except that of conveying the horse to the nearest available appropriate facility for its humane keeping or destruction or for medical or surgical treatment.

* District Justice Carl Good is no longer the District Justice in the Town of New Holland effective January 2000.
The new District Justice is Rodney Hartman.

** According to sources close to the case, District Justice Carl Good refused to accept the charges filed by the Humane League of Lancaster County. The Humane League of Lancaster County has 2 years to refile the charges.

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Equine Protection Network, Inc., P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933

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