Horse Slaughter
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Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
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Photographs on the Equine Protection Network website may NOT be used without written permission.
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- Request for photographs MUST specify which photo(s). Refer to webpage where photograph is located.
- Agree to provide credit to the Equine Protection Network, Inc. website with a link.
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- Send the webpage where photograph(s) are being used to the Equine Protection Network, Inc.
- Permission may be withdrawn by the Equine Protection Network, Inc at any time.
- Copy and paste these 10 items into your e-mail request.
The Equine Protection Network website exists to raise awareness on the issue of horse slaughter and horse abuse among other issues. We appreciate people and organizations assisting in spreading the word on horse abuse,
Please Give Credit Where Credit Is Due !