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EPN Website Sections
Press Stories 1980-2004
Slaughterhouse Ride WISH TV News 8 I-Team Investigative Report 4/2001
PA Horse Transport Legislation - Act 64 of 2001
June 1998
Horse-Slaughter Industry Critics Pushing Changes
PA. Bill Would Help Protect Horses Headed to Slaughter
March 28, 1998
The goal is a humane trip for horses on the way to be killed for their meat, prized in Europe.
New York Does PA's Dirty Work January 1998
NYSP Stop Double Deck Trailer

Horses inside double deck cattle trailer stopped by the NYSP. The owner was later convicted & fined $3000.00.
Horse Popsicle Case 1994
Cruel Transport Results in $11,100 Fine

Horses inside double decker covered with frost.
The Last Ride
Eyewitness Account of trip to Slaughterhouse
The Torture Trail
December 1980
85 horses in trailer, 57 survive

A dead horse lies in the snow, while another too weak to rise eats from a bucket.
The Miracle Mile July 1990
Pregnant Mare Foals Hours After Rescue From Slaughterhouse-
Foal is a Stakes Winner!
Pasturemate of the Stakes Winner, "On Route 66" who was born only hours after her dam was taken from a slaughterhouse
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Please send your tax deductible donation to the:
Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
Did You Know?
"There are more crooks in the horse business than in Sing Sing Prison."
....William Rickman Sr., owner Delaware Park
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May 2004
The Final Roundup is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. Adobe Acrobat is required to read the file. The story is several pages with photos and will take time to download if you have a dial-up connection.
Injuries suach as the one received by this horse occur due to the mixing of horses that are not familiar with each other, and the overcrowding of horses in pens and/or on trailers at livestock markets(sales), on trailers, or at dealer's facilities.
The handling and management of horses at these low end livestock markets do not meet accepted horse industry management practices, and cause injury and stress to the horses.
Please send your tax deductible donation to:
Equine Protection Network, Inc., P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933
The official registration and financial information of the Equine Protection Network, Inc., may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free within PA, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
