Horse Statutes
Horse Cruelty Info
Title 18, Section 5511
The Henneke Body Scoring Chart is accepted in court as a scientific method of scoring a horse's body condition. It is used successfully in court to prove neglect.
Horse Cruelty Cases
Horse Cruelty at Auctions
PA State Police arrest horse dealer at PA horse auction
PA Cruelty Law at New Holland, PA Auction

Young draft gelding shipped from NC displays injured left hind leg. A PA equine vet determined that there was no fixing this horse's injured leg. He was humanely euthanised.
Down and bleeding inside a trailer with Maine license plates at a New Holland, PA auction. Reportedly the horse later died. No charges were ever filed. Blood was pooling on the ground under and outside the trailer.
Down Belgian was down all day at a PA horse auction. Several bystanders attempted to get the horse to rise. A vet was never called...
Severely foundered mare's face reveals the pain she is feeling. Mare was found down on a truck at a New Holland auction. Blood oozed from her coronary bands.
All Had Broken Legs & were Hidden on A Trailer

Water tank is empty, even though the faucets work..
PSPCA allows sale - NHPD files charges, owner pleads guilty.
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Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
Did You Know?
"Only ignorance! only ignorance! how can you talk about only ignorance? Don't you know that it is the worst thing in the world, next to wickedness? - and which does the most mischief, heaven only knows. If people can say, "Oh! I did not mean any harm", they think it is alright."....
John in Black Beauty by Anna Sewell published in 1877
Page last revised on:

Horse Cruelty
September 27, 1999
Remember what Dr. Temple Grandin, Department
of Animal Sciences,
Colorado State University in a report commisioned
by USDA/ APHIS stated in her report regarding New
Holland and published in The Horse in their
December issue;
According to Dr. Temple Grandin,
" The New Holland sale will
not accept horses that are severely lame or
in very poor condition. "
The New Holland sale has
banned horses with severe
welfare problems from their
sale. "
Note this horse's left stifle area and the cannon
bone area.
PA Anti-Cruelty Law, Title 18, Section 5511
(d) Selling or using disabled horse.--A person
commits a summary offense if he offers
for sale or sells any
horse, which by reason of debility, disease or lameness, or
for other cause, could not be worked
or used without violating the laws against
cruelty to animals, or leads, rides, drives or transports any
such horse for any purpose, except that of conveying
the horse to the nearest available appropriate facility
for its humane keeping or destruction or for medical
or surgical treatment.
Transporting this horse from North Carolina to PA
to a horse auction and offering it for sale was in clear violation of the PA
Cruelty Law. An auction sells horses, it does not provide medical or surgical
treatment, it is not a facility for a horse's humane keeping, nor does it destroy
And how in the world could this auction be considered
"nearest available appropriate facility"
An auction SELLS horses.
Look up the word "auction" in the dictionary.
Finally, the person(s) responsible for the cruel treatment to this horse
held accountable, made to pay a fine, AND the horse's
suffering was ended.
It is about time.
What true horsemen would condone the transportation of this horse from North
Carolina to PA to be sold for meat, and then transported to a holdover farm
in New York or New Jersey, before finally making the final trip to Texas or
Canada in an overcrowded cattle truck with no food, no water, no rest, and
not enough ventilation??
This whole process could last a week or more...
All this pain and suffering so some owner and a a few so called horse dealers
could squeeze the last few dollars out of him...
The Equine Protection Network extends their appreciation
to thePA State Police for enforcing the PA Cruelty law. We hope you take
the time to also thank the PA State Police and to make horse owners, dealers
and haulers aware of the PA
Anti-Cruelty Law.
The little filly who was also transported in violation
of the PA law.
They Are Still Alive...