Legislation Information
Pending Legislation
Type in the word "equine" in the search box to locate bills, (proposed legislation) relating to horses.
Federal Laws
Proposed regs will legalize every inhumane practice identified in the transport of horses to slaughter!

Doubles will be legal for 5 years AFTER the proposed regs go into effect. It has already been 4 1/2 years, that makes for 10 years of the continued use of doubles after this legislation passed..
EPN's Comments
on Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
CA Equine Council's
Comments on the Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
State Laws
Proposition 6,
The PROHIBITION of Horse Slaughter and Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption Act Of 1998, Does Not Violate The Commerce Clause
1996 Commercial Transportation Of Horses To Slaughter Act
December 7, 2001
Final Rule Commercial Transportation of Horses to Slaughter Act
American Horse Council, American Horse Protection Association, & Humane Society of US
propose to legalize every inhumane practice identified in the transport of horses to slaughter & put the very people identified as the abusers, the "killer buyers" in charge of the horses!
Proposed Regulations For the 1996 Commercial Transportation of Horses To Slaughter Act
USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, APHIS
Approval of Livestock Facilities;
Interstate Movement of EIA Reactors
USDA Food Safety Inspection Service, FSIS, Regulations
Biological Residues in Horses;
Slaughter of Foaling Mares;
Slaughter of Sick Horses;
USDA APHIS Humane Slaughter Act

AZ Transport Law
CA Transport Law
CT Transport Law
MA Transport Law
MN Transport Law
NY Transport Law
Ag and Markets, Section 359-a

Horses inside double deck cattle trailer stopped by the NYSP. The owner was later convicted & fined $3000.00.
VA Transport Law
Vermont Transport Law
PA Anti Cruelty Law
Title 18, Section 5511
Sign Posted at PA Horse Auctions is NOT the Law!
Sign outside auctions is incorrect!

Sign posted outside 2 PA horse auctions regarding the PA Anti Cruelty Statute is incorrect! " Maybe the posting of this sign has something to do with "the agreement" that the auctions and the PA SPCA have with each other...
U.S. Anti-Cruelty Statutes
PA Domestic Animal Act
Licensing of Dealers & Haulers
EIA Regulations, Coggins Test
PA Dead Animal Act
Requirements for Removal of Dead Animals
PA Animal Markets
General Provisions
Transactions From Trucks
IL Horsemeat Act
Texas Law
Sale of Horsemeat for Human Consumption
Prohibits Sale of Horsemeat For Human Consumption
Texas Attorney General Cornyn States TX Law
Prohibiting Sale of Horsemeat Applies to the 2 Texas Horse Slaughterhouses!

California Voters "Just Say Neigh" to Horse Slaughter!
Shop online at IGive.com with over 600 great stores you know & love- including Back In the Saddle! Up to 26% of the purchase price is donated to the EPN!
The EPN gets $5 extra the first time you shop!
PayPal accepts credit cards!
Please send your tax deductible donation to the:
Equine Protection Network, Inc.,
P. O. Box 232, Friedensburg, PA, 17933.
Shop for CD's at CDRush.com & the EPN Benefits!
Put "EPN" in the Coupon Code box when you place your order.
Now you can save money on your favorite music and help the horses at the same time!

HoofPAC is the political action committee that has been formed to end the slaughter of America's horses. Cathleen Doyle, founder of HoofPAC, led the successful Save The Horses campaign in 1998 that made the slaughter of California's horses a felony.
Did You Know?
"I do share your thoughts and feelings about horses, dogs, and cats with regard to slaughtering for meat purposes. "
Dr. Richard L.Porter
KV Vet Supply
Shop at Back in the Saddle by clicking on the image below & the EPN earns 10% commission on your purchase to help us Save America's Horses!

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Federal Legislation
June 8, 2005
House of Represenatatives Moves to Save America's Horses!
None of the Funds may be used to pay salaries or expenses of personnel to inspect horses under Section 3 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act (21 U.S.C. 603) or under the guidleines issued under section 903 the Federal Agricultural Improvement Act of 1996 (7 U.S.C. 1901 note: Public Law 104-127)
Click on the Roll Call Vote to learn how Your Congressman Voted!
Roll Call Vote on 6/8/05
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006 (H.R. 2744)
was signed by President Bush on November 11, 2005 (PL109-97)
The Sweeney/Spratt amendment to Save America's Horses from slaughter for one year is included in this measure. The ban is scheduled to begin on March 9, 2006 and last for the remainder of the 2006 fiscal year.
This ban was circumvented by the USDA and the pro slaughter forces. The slaughterhouses are now paying the inspectors instead of the public's tax dollars being used to slaughter an animal which the American Public voluntarily chooses not to eat.
The Morella Bill - HR 857
died at the end of session in 2004.
Fax letters of support
(mail to Congress can take up to eight weeks due to anthrax screening)
to H.R. 503 sponsors:
U.S. Representative John Sweeney (R-NY)
416 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-3220
Phone: (202) 225-5614
Fax: (202) 225-6234
U.S. Representative John Spratt (D-SC)
1401 Longworth House Office Building
Wash in ton, D.C. 20515-4005
Phone: (202) 225-5501
Fax: (202) 225-0464
Title: To restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros.
Sponsor: Rep Rahall, Nick J., II [WV-3]
Bill Summary & Status including Full List of Co Sponsors:
62 as of 6/9/05
Latest Major Action: 2/7/2005 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health
Related Bills: S.576
Title: A bill to restore the prohibition on the commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and burros.
Sponsor: Sen Byrd, Robert C. [WV] (introduced 3/9/2005) Cosponsors (6)
Related Bills: H.R.297
Latest Major Action: 3/9/2005 Referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.
Letters You Can Send!
Contact Information for 109th Congress
Official Information 109th Congress Courtesy Office of the Clerk U.S. House of Representatives
- Official Alphabetical List of Members [HTML]
- Official List of Members by State [HTML] [PDF]
- Official Telephone Directory of Members [HTML] [PDF]
- Official Alphabetical List of Members with Committee Assignments [HTML] [PDF]
- Official List of Standing Committees [PDF]
- 109th Member Mailing Labels
[MS Word] [Word Perfect] [ASCII]
Letters to Send!
The following links take you to sample letters that you can:
copy and paste into your word processing program to be printed out and mailed;
or that can be copied & pasted into your E-Mail to send.
You need to add :
- The date.
- Your name and address, or you will not be counted.
- Sign your letter.
- Personalize your letter with your comments, personal opinions.
- State your involvement, if any, in the horse industry
- State the horse industry organizations, if any, that you are a member in.
- Use your letterhead if you have one.
- Form letters & petitions are ignored.
You can assist the EPN by making copies of these letters and urging your friends and fellow horse owners and professionals to send a letter also.
Contact Information for your Elected Officials
Vote Smart
Inform your elected officials of your opinion on horse slaughter. Make sure you tell your elected representative what your involvement in the horse industry is, and the names of any organizations that you are a member of. If an organization that you belong to is pro slaughter, MAKE SURE you inform your representative that this organization does NOT represent you on the issue of horse slaughter!
If you don't tell your elected official that these pro slaughter organiztions do not represent you on the issue of horse slaughter, these pro slaughter organizations, such as the American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, American Horse Council, and the American Association of Equine Practioners will tell legislators that THEY represent YOU on the issue of horse slaughter! Now is the time to let your voice be heard!
Keep America's Horses in the Stable & Off the Dinner Table!
Boycott the Pro Slaughter Horse Industry!
This issue is about money! Organizations, businesses, companies and magazines depend on your financial support to operate and exist. The EPN is asking you to withdraw your financial support from any organization, business, company or magazine that is pro slaughter, or who is opposed to the ending of the slaughter of America's horses.
Consumer Anti Horse Slaughter Letter
Horse Organizations
State that you are OPPOSED to the slaughter of American horses.
State that the horse industry organizations that are pro slaughter do NOT represent you on the issue of horse slaughter.
List your memberships in horse organizations.
State your involvement in the horse industry.
Contact all the horse organizations that you are a member of.
- Ask them if they are OPPOSED,to horse slaughter, or if they support horse slaughter. They must either be against the slaughter, or for the slaughter. There is no sitting on the fence on this issue.
- State to them that you are OPPOSED to the slaughter of American horses.
Contact horse magazines, newspapers and other horse publications.
- Ask them if they are OPPOSED,to horse slaughter, or if they support horse slaughter. They must either be against the slaughter, or for the slaughter. There is no sitting on the fence on this issue.
- State that you are OPPOSED to the slaughter of American horses.
- List your memberships in horse organizations.
- State your involvement in the horse industry.
Contact your local media or Send a letter to the Editor
Send this letter, Ending Horse Slaughter to your local newspaper's Letter To the Editor.
Use News Directory to locate newspapers online.
Tell the media & Editor about the Slaughter of American Horses.
Refer them to these websites:
Ask them to do a story.
State that you are OPPOSED to the slaughter of American horses.
State that the horse industry organizations that are pro slaughter do NOT represent you on the issue of horse slaughter.
List your memberships in horse organizations.
State your involvement in the horse industry.
June 26, 2001
Governor Ridge signed PA HB 1139, the Horse Transport Bill into law on June 25, 2001!! The Horse Transport Bill is now known as Act 64
The EPN thanks all of the individuals and organizations who supported our efforts and who took the time to call and write their legislators. The EPN thanks Governor Ridge for signing this legislation and the PA Legislature for passing this historic legislation in 90 days!
PA Horse Transport Law Cards
Download a card and carry in your car. Help enforce PA law banning the use of double deck trailers to transport any horse, no matter what its final destination!
You will need Adobe Reader a free plug in that you can download. 